lundi 29 avril 2013


Jeudi 4 juillet/ Thursday 4th July

9h-10h            Inscription/ Registration

10h-10h30       Ouverture/ Opening

10h30-12h30   Autour de Jacques II/ Regarding James II
Eveline Cruickshanks (Institute of Historical Research, University of London), James II and religious toleration.
Lisanna Calvi (Université de Vérone, Italie), Imago Regis: King James II’s esprit de tolérance?
Scott Sowerby (Northwestern University, USA), The origins of Whig jacobitism.

14h-16h           L’expérience de l’exil à la cour de Saint-Germain/ The experience of exile at the court of Saint-Germain
Sonja Wimschulte (Doctorante, Université de Tübingen, Allemagne), “In good times and in bad”? The members of the exiled royal household and the political secretariat in Saint-Germain-en-Laye and their bonds with the Stuarts. Foundations of the perception of exile.
Eamon O’Ciosain (NUI, Maynooth, Irlande), Ecrire l'exil: les oeuvres de Maonas Ó Ruaire et d'Antoine Hamilton, Irlandais en France.

Edward Corp (Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail), David Nairne: an ex-patriate among the exiles at the Jacobite court.

16h15-18h       Des stratégies d’intégration en France/ Strategies of integration in France
Nathalie Genet-Rouffiac (Service historique de la Défense), Old Knight and Bank : sir Daniel Arthur, the King’s banker.
Linda Kiernan (NUI, UCD Dublin, Irlande), Marital strategies of Irish Jacobite families in eighteenth century France.
Patrick Clarke de Dromantin (Université de Bordeaux 3), Les domaines viticoles  jacobites en Médoc au XVIIIe siècle.

18h15-19h15    Conférence plenière/ Plenary lecture
Howard Erskine-Hill (Cambridge University, GB), The question of Alexander Pope and Jacobitism.

Vendredi 5 juillet/ Friday 5th July

9h-10h45        Les régiments et les carrières militaires/  Regiments and military careers
Daniel Szechi (University of Manchester, GB), Jamie the Soldier. James III and VIII and the Jacobite military threat.
Fadi el Hage (IUT Saint-Denis, Université Paris XIII), L’intégration des Jacobites parmi les officiers généraux français.
Kate Geange (doctorante, Trinity College, Dublin, Irlande), Lieutenant-General Arthur Dillon: a Jacobite at the Regency court 1715-1723.

11h15-13h        Les établissements religieux/ Religious houses
Jonathan Clark (University of Kansas, USA), A Wider context for jacobitism: the English diaspora, 1558-1795.
Liam Chambers (University of Limerick, Irlande), Jacobitism and the Irish Colleges, Paris.
Eric Derr (doctorant, NUI, Maynooth, Irlande), The nomination of Irish bishops, 1695-1715: a political survival strategy for the exiled Stuart Court on the Continent?

14h-15h45       La présence des Jacobites en Europe du Nord/  Jacobites in Northern Europe
Laurence Pope (Ancien ambassadeur des USA à l’ONU), Nathaniel Hooke at the court of Augustus the Strong in Dresden, 1711-1712.
Frédéric Richard-Maupillier (Barreau de Metz), Les Jacobites en Lorraine, 1698-1729.
Frank Judo (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgique), La diaspora jacobite aux Pays-Bas méridionaux.

16h15-18h       La spiritualité jacobite/ Jacobite spirituality
David Parrish (doctorant, University of Glasgow, GB), An Echo of the Other Side’: Jacobitism and the Atlantic World in the Age of Anne.
Kieran German (Independent scholar), British non-jurors and the Jacobite Cause, 1718-1746.
Tom O’Connor ((NUI, Maynooth, Irlande), Juan de Lacy, un jacobite irlandais en Espagne, 1701-1754.

18h15-19h30   Focus: Jacobites et Francs-maçons/ Jacobites and Freemasonry
Paul Monod (Middlebury, Vermont, USA), Andrew Michael Ramsay, la franc-maçonnerie jacobite et les deux Discours de 1737.
Louis Trébuchet (Loges de recherche Mare Nostrum et Marquis de Lafayette, Grande Loge de France), La naissance de la Grande Loge de Londres et de la Grande Loge de France à la lumière du conflit Whigs-Jacobites.

20h30             Diner de la conférence/ Conference diner

Samedi 6 juillet/ Saturday 6th July

9h-10h45        Diplomates et artistes jacobites à Rome/ Jacobite diplomats and artists in Rome
John Condren (doctorant, University of St Andrews, GB), Cardinal Rinaldo d'Este as a Jacobite diplomat at the court of Rome, 1688-94.
Eoin Devlin (Postdoctoral fellow, University of Cambridge, GB), The King's character: Perth's and Melfort's embassies in Rome, 1690-1697.
Marion Amblard (Université de Grenoble), James Byres (1734-1817): a Jacobite artist, antiquarian and cicerone in Rome.

11h15-13h        La diplomatie jacobite/ Jacobite diplomacy
Phil McCluskey (University of Sheffield, GB), The unwelcome guest? Leopold  I of Lorraine and the chevalier de St George.
Victoria Henshaw (University of Birmingham, GB), New insights into the 1719 - the forgotten Jacobite invasion.
Silvia Wershofen (Kassel University, Allemagne), On his Majesty(ies)’s Service. Earl Marischal and the Prusso-Jacobite-Connection.

14h-15h45       Les Jacobites en Ecosse/ The Jacobites in Scotland
Ryan Burns (doctorant, Northwestern University, USA), For a Free and Independent Scotland: Contractual Jacobitism, 1707-1746.
Jodi Campbell (doctorant, Université de Guelfe), La Culture populaire jacobite en Ecosse.
Darren S. Layne (doctorant, University of St Andrews), Virtuous Rabble and Virtual Rebels. Digital Humanities and the Jacobite Database of 1745.

16h-17h           Clôture/ Closing

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